
This happened on Wednesday, January 13, 2010 at approximately 12 in the morning. I was sleeping oh so soundly, and then came that feeling again. The feeling when my body starts to become paralyzed and I start to hearing these strange abnormal sounds and I can't control myself. This is the second time I have endured this horrible paralysis. I tried to move, move my arms, mouth, something, to get out of this paralysis mode. I opened my eyes and saw this ghost. The ghost had dark, hollowed eyes that scared the bejeebus out of me. I closed my eyes and prayed for Jesus to save me. Suddenly, my fingers and arms began to soften; I am no longer rigid. I opened my eyes again and saw no more ghosts. I ran to my mother's room and told her there was a ghost. She let me sleep with her for the night. The next day I did some research about these images. It turns out I had something called: hypnogogic and hypnopompic hallucinations. I had both forms at the same night. That is messed. Hypnogogic occurs before sleep, and sleep paralysis can come along with it, and the subject is immobile but is fully conscious. Hypnogogia and sleep paralysis often cause fear, moreso than in sleep paralysis during hypnopompia which is often considered as part a dream by the subject, as well as feelings of difficulty breathing and muscle tightness. I had a combination of both! Hypnopompia occurs upon waking, and may also be accompanied by sleep paralysis. Sleep paralysis is much more common in hypnopompia than in hypnogogia. Common hypnopompic experiences include the sensation of falling and the feeling of a presence in the room. And that's about it for now. I hope not to have those hallucinations again. They say I shouldn't get stressed at night and let my mind be clear. I'll try that. Peace.


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