Over and Over

What a wonderful three months this has been. Just beautiful. He gave me sweet gifts on my birthday and smothered me with his love. And also, I've found my long lost sister. SOUL SISTAS. Her name's Christine Do and she's also in love with a guy named Kevin and we have so much in common since we both have the same taste in guys. She's a sophmore and she is awesome. So many fights between him and me. Heart hurt so many times, but I love him. I forever always will. No matter what happened in the past. It's just amazing how he can act so normal around that girl. Still talk to her as if nothing's wrong. God. I shouldn't hate her since it's not her fault, but I just can't hate him. And man, my grudge list is filling up. Alothough he makes me cry, he always finds a way to make me smile again. That boy. Is amazing. Love him. LOVEEE. I have short term memory so I do not remember much right now. Peace.


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