Screw it.
It's amazing how my moods are. One minute I'm happy, the next, downright screwed. I went on AIM to talk to him, and I scrolled over his friends' status and shiz. She had on the song he showed me when we were fighting. The song when I made "=]" emotes and he's like, "Don't smile unless you mean it." And she has it in her buddy info. I guess she understands it more than me. That he knows she'll understand it more than me and that's why he showed it to her. I GUESS I'M JUST NOT SMART ENOUGH TO FIGURE OUT THESE SONGS. THAT I'M OBLIVIOUS TO MY SURROUNDINGS. I hate my issues. I don't want them, don't like them, don't need them. I just want to be neutral. I hate it when people act all nice when there's a crowd BUT THEN DOG AT ME WHEN I'M ALONE BY MYSELF. IF YOU WANT TO SHOW ME WHO YOU REALLY ARE, THEN DO IT IN FRONT OF EVERYONE. I don't care anymore. No one's on my side. No one trusts me. Sooner or later, I'll have no one. WELL I'M FINE WITH THAT.
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